Quartz Formations
We are at Avant Mining in Blue Springs, Arkansas, where you’ll find the highest quality of Quartz. Avant Mining is one of the largest quartz crystal mining companies in the world with over 11,400 acres of land and 20 crystal mines in Arkansas. Even though Quartz may be one of the most prevalent minerals in the world, little compares to what comes out of Arkansas. At Avant Mining, Quartz crystal comes out optical-clear, with perfect points so it never needs to be cut or polished, just cleaned from clay that surrounds it.
Check out more about Avant on their website www.Avantmining.com
Here are some terms we have learned, that are used in regards to different varieties of quartz and formations in which they grow here in Arkansas:
Point- Male
The tip of a quartz crystal that has grown naturally and has not been cut; Male points come to a conical point.
The tip of a quartz crystal that has grown naturally and has not been cut; Female points come to a flat edge.
Flat, ‘windowed’ surfaces at the apex of a crystal point. Crystals predominantly have 6 ‘faces’ of different shapes and sizes, but can have more or less.
The sides of the faces range in number (Shown in pictures below)
Formations such as Isis, Temple Heart and Generator, Window and Time Link Quartz all have very specific patterns of faces.
Isis Face
When a crystal has a 5 sided face on at least one of the faces. Two of the sides of the face are larger and equal in size, two are smaller and equal in size and the last face is at the base.
Temple Heart
When the sides of the faces equal 7-3-7-3-7-3-7. This is a complex formation and is more rare.
These crystals have 6 faces that are all equal in size and all meet at a single perfect point.
A face or ‘window’ that is in the shape of a diamond.
Time Link-Past
Narrow rectangle face slanted towards the left.
Time Link-Future
Narrow rectangle face slanted towards the right.
Water-clear with little to no inclusions.
Double Terminated
When a crystals has one defined point at each end. Also called ‘Floaters’ these crystals grow individually while they “float” in the Silica solution they are born from.
Other minerals that have been trapped in the quartz during its growth. Pictured to the right is a Sand Inclusion. Pictured below are White and Golden Adularia.
When another mineral 'washes' over a crystal during is young growth and 'dusts' the shape of the crystal. This mineral is Carbon, making it a Carbon Phantom.
When a crystal pierces or ‘penetrates’ another crystal and is still visible.
A crystal that has a ‘fuzzy’ white line through it, which is where a crystal has broken or fractured and healed. More often than not these are Tabular in formation.
When a crystal grows slightly twisted and with bent crystal faces. The term "Gwindel" is derived from the German "gewunden", meaning “twisted”.
When a crystal grows in the shape of a castle of “cathedral, there will usually be one main point with several smaller points connected.
Japan Law Twin
These formations are more rare and have two individual crystals that are joined at the base at a 90 degree angle.
When a crystal has defined linear etchings on 3 opposing faces.
Record Keeper
When there are small Triangle ‘etchings’ on one or multiple faces.
When smaller crystals 'dust' the surface of another, larger crystal.
When two seemingly individual points grow together from the same base.
A flat formation, like a ‘tablet’, hence the name Tabular or “Tabby”.
Unusual formations, usually without a predominant point.
When an individual crystal has a single point(termination) at one end and multiple points at the other end.
When two crystals grow together, and then at some point separate, leaving behind a clear imprint of one another.
When a crystal breaks off of the wall during a young enough stage where it continues to grow from the break. This will result in lots of small terminations
Indentations that narrow as they penetrate the crystal, which usually have 3-6 sides.
When one crystal falls onto and partially penetrates a group of crystals and makes a little 'bridge'. These are found mostly in clusters.
A grouping of crystals.
Temple Step
Two or more stair-like twinning indentations that run along the side of one or multiple faces near the point of the Quartz.
Smoky Quartz
A variety of Quartz that is translucent dark grey to brown in color, caused by irradiation of Aluminum found in the Quartz.
This is natural Smoky Quartz from Arkansas, which is less common.
All information here was gathered from:
-James Zigras, Owner of Avant Mining
-Deena Eckel, Gemologist
-Many years of selling Quartz and learning from various people that we interact with